Forum Discussion

jhuenema's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

DLO Upgrade 7.0 to 7.6

We are planning an upgrade from 7.0 to 7.6 very soon. Once the server has been upgraded, are the 7.0 desktop agents still able to perform backups before they receive the updated 7.6 Agent, or are they essentially disabled until then?

Also, am I correctly interpreting the 7.6 Admin Guide to say that publishing the update via DLOcommandu.exe will not work for Windows 7 x64 systems?

Further, if we were migrating the DLO SQL database from one MS SQL database server to another, would we be able to just update the setup.ini in the Agent install folder, and simultaneously update both the desktop agent and its pointer to the correct SQL database?


  • I was able to successfully publish update a Win 7 client on my test setup. Just researching a bit as to why the admin guide mentions otherwise.


    Verified with the Dev folks and in SDLO 7.6, the command line options should work. Working out to clear the discrepancy in the documentation.

  • The older DLO agents will not be disabled, however I would recommend to upgrade them as soon as possible.

    Would you pls direct me to the section which mentions Win 7 x64 systems are not supported for update using the -update command. (As i recall, if "Interactive services detection"  service is enabled, then a publish update should work for OSes such as Vista, 7.)

    Yes, editing the setup.ini file will update the new location of the SQL DB for the users.

  • Hi, VJware;

    I was looking at page 48 of the DLO 7.6 Admin Guide, option three below:cannot use command line to upgrade agents.PNG

    I'm curious - are the agents able to update if the local user is not an administrator?

  • Depends upon how the update is being made. If you are pushing the update from the DLO Admin console, better to use an administrator account. For a local update, its pretty much same as running a regular executable/installer. If the local user is allowed to install any program, then there shouldn't be any difficulty updating the DLO agent as well.

    Regarding the command line interface update for Vista & above OSes, I'll have to test at my end if enabling the Interactive services detection allows the update or not. (I remember enabling this service allowed me to update when using older versions of DLO, maybe the case with this version as well)

  • Thanks; I would appreciate the results of such a test. We have a deployment solution available to us to manually update the clients, but I'm pretty fond of the idea of a client-checkin also triggering it.

  • I was able to successfully publish update a Win 7 client on my test setup. Just researching a bit as to why the admin guide mentions otherwise.


    Verified with the Dev folks and in SDLO 7.6, the command line options should work. Working out to clear the discrepancy in the documentation.

  • That's great, thanks for looking! Do you know what credentials the update runs under, or how it's otherwise able to happen if the user is not a local admin?

  • in my case the user was a local admin, but i believe it impersonates the DLO admin credentials.