Forum Discussion

Bob_Schierholz's avatar
12 years ago

Move DLO 7.0 Database

I found an older article with instructions for moving the database, but I did not see any indication on if the DLO Clients would need to be reconfigured to point to the new DB location.  Anyone have any experience with this?

  • Hi,

    Along with the informtaion theread you also need to modify the registry entries on client side under the following path "Regedit->HKLM->Software->Symantec->Symantec DLO->DB->DBSERVER" to the new DB Server Name.


7 Replies

  • Hi,

    Can you please confirm whether you are moving your database to the new server or on the same server to a different location?


  • Hi Bob,

    When you are moving to a new server then it need to be notified to clients. Can you please share the document which you are using for moving the database. So that will validate the steps once again to make it work proper.


  • Hi,

    Along with the informtaion theread you also need to modify the registry entries on client side under the following path "Regedit->HKLM->Software->Symantec->Symantec DLO->DB->DBSERVER" to the new DB Server Name.


  • So we just moved the database and this solution is not working.  It cannot connect to the database in the new location.

  • Hi,

    Please check whether the instance name in the registry have been modified to the new instance name on the agent machine ""Regedit->HKLM->Software->Symantec->Symantec DLO->DB->DBInstance"

    If still issue there delete the .settings folder on the agent machine under path(C:\Users\"UserName"\AppData\Local\Symantec\DLO\.settings) then try to launch the agent.

    If not solved attach the screenshot of error you are getting.
