Forum Discussion

Thomas_Rohringe's avatar
12 years ago

DLO-Desktop Agent Versionskompatibilität fehlgeschlagen

Hallo! Hab seit gestern ein komisches Verhalten des DLO Agents. Beim Starten erhalte ich auf Windows 7 Clients die Fehlermeldung 'Überprüfung der Versionskompatibilität fehlgeschlagen'. Auf dem...
  • Backup_Exec1's avatar
    12 years ago


    Please take the backup BE_DLO.mdf and the BE_DLO_log.LDF before doing the following steps,

    By going to a CMD prompt and typing the following:

    1> Select GSID from GlobalSettings
    2> go
    It will list and identifies all the GSID lines in the database. (Delete all the lines in the GlobalSettings table except for the first one. Do not delete the first line in the GlobalSettings Table. )
    For example below were number shown are GSID listed when you query above command & we are deleting the GSID excluding the first one from it and deleting all the listed below one by one
    1> Delete from GlobalSettings where GSID = '38'
    2> Delete from GlobalSettings where GSID = '58'
    3> Delete from GlobalSettings where GSID = '78'
    4> Delete from GlobalSettings where GSID = '98'
    5> go
    (4 rows affected)
    1> quit
    Once done
    The clients can be sent a forced reset from the console by going to the Tools/Options --> Global Settings/Options, under the heading "Disable" put a check mark next to the box "All Desktop Agents", click the OK button, then go back to Tools/Options --> Global Settings/Options and uncheck the "All Desktop Agents" and click the OK button. (Please do this on DLO server were DLO is installed)
    Hope that helps