Forum Discussion

Ed_Laukiavich's avatar
9 years ago

Replace DLO 7.6 server with new hardware and new server name

I am in process of replacing our current DLO server due to lease return with a new server that will have a new name. I found artilces on migrating clients to a new server location ( https://www.verit...
  • VJware's avatar
    9 years ago

    This article is still valid for SDLO 7.6

    Few questions for clarification -

    - Is the old DLO server still active or decommissioned ?

    - Was the same exact version, i.e. 7.6 installed on the new server ?

    - Do you receive any error when running the ChangeServer command from the old server ?

    Additionally, have a look @ the section "-MigrateUser command" in the Admin Guide for another method.