Forum Discussion

4 Replies

  • Hi,


    Best thing to do here is approach the licensing department (or whomever you got the trial license from) and ask for another one.


  • lol, me also.  If you look at the license you will see the email is from "Kathleen Killgore" who I don't think even exists (I sent email to her but no reply).

    You will also see the text "Install by Date: 06/30/2013".

    Of course, I received this email on July 29th, so a month past 6/30 already.  That is why our licenses are no good.

    I got ahold of Symantec and they sent a license, but it is only good for 30 days, and seems only one user.

    So at this point I can't Eval the software as it only works on my  laptop.  

    I made the mistake of installing it on my managers laptop, and their managers laptop, just to discover it doesn't work.

    I am waiting on Symantec to send a working license.

    I am ready to purchase but can't get approvel from my managers for "Non-Working" backup software which is what this is at this point.

    Hopefully Symantec will get their act together and update their license for the EVAL software.


  • Exact same thing just happened to me. Received a serial yesterday (11/21/2013) that had an install date of 10/31/2013.

    Did you ever get a serial number? 

  • I had the same problem, all i had to do was change the date of the server to the ""install by date"" and i was able to install the program...