Forum Discussion


    The agents need to be upgraded by push install. It will not be liveupdated.


    There are 3 ways of upgrading Symantec DLO 7.0 agents to Symantec DLO 7.5 agents:

    1. SMS or Log on Script Method

    2. Manual Pull installation by accessing Symantec DLO Administration Server’s agent share

    3. Push installation from Administration Console

    DLOCommandu.exe now provides an option to print the list of existing agents which helps in creating the list of users in a .txt file which can be used for pushing multiple agents via Push Agents from Administration Console UI

    Eg: C:\Program Files\Symantec DLO>DLOCommandu.exe -ListMachines > AgentList.txtThe above Command Line Option would print the list of existing agents to the text file AgentList.txt which can be imported during agent push install from DLO Console UI

    Option 3 is recommended as it provides automated upgrade of multiple agents

  • Hi,

    First of all thanks. Do you have the server-side upgrade steps keeping the existing configuration?


    Upgrading to Symantec DLO 7.5
    To upgrade from a previous version of DLO to Symantec DLO 7.5, follow these steps:
    1 Run setup.exe to start the installation wizard.
    2 Click Next.
    3 Read the license agreement, and if you accept the terms, select I accept the
    terms in the license agreement.
    4 Click Next.
    5 As DLO 7.5 comes with Dedupe feature, the following screen appears.
    6 Select the Install Dedupe Administration Service Feature check box and click
     7 During upgrade, the following screen may appear in some scenarios.
    8 Select the Do not close applications option and click OK.
    Note: Reboot is not required after upgrade.
    9 Proceed with the installation steps.
    10 When the installation is completed, click Finish.
    taken from DLO 7.5 ADMIN GUIDE 
    hOPE THIS HELPS,! Mark it as solution