Forum Discussion

Matthew_Kimler's avatar
14 years ago

DA Hold Release and New Holds

Someone recently claimed to me that they experienced an issue with Discovery Accelerator when they attempted to release a very large hold and it took a very long time. Because of the time it took to complete, their on going search schedule was impacted because they could not put holds in place while the release was occurring. I was wondering if anyone has heard of this issue before? Also, I'm curious if there is a metric on how fast the hold release process might take for 10 million items.


  • I would higly recommend this technote for best practices.  According to it for 10 million items you are looking around 24 hours to complete adding the holds:

    Article URL

    Legal Hold Best Practices


    This is a guide to achieve optimum performance when applying or removing legal holds.  When the SQL, Enterprise Vault (EV) and Discovery Accelerator (DA) environments are properly tuned, applying of legal holds should achieve a rate between six million to fourteen million items in a twenty four hour period.

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  • Hello There,

    I don't think Legal Hold Release is any way related to Search schedule. Can you probably explain what exactly you trying to achieve ? As I understand from your post, You have legal hold applied on your case and now you have disabled and re-enabled it. Is that correct ? 

    When you release items from hold ( by unchecking the Legal Hold option @ Case level ), DA will remove  hold records from EV which has that specific hold ID. Now if you reapply Legal Hold then it is going to apply Legal Hold to all accepted items ( discovered by DA Search ) using new Legal Hold ID.

    All in all, It doesn't create problem in to DA Search module.







  • I would higly recommend this technote for best practices.  According to it for 10 million items you are looking around 24 hours to complete adding the holds:

    Article URL

    Legal Hold Best Practices


    This is a guide to achieve optimum performance when applying or removing legal holds.  When the SQL, Enterprise Vault (EV) and Discovery Accelerator (DA) environments are properly tuned, applying of legal holds should achieve a rate between six million to fourteen million items in a twenty four hour period.