Forum Discussion

Sortid's avatar
Level 6
13 years ago

Move DA Database

Using EV8Sp5 and also 9SP2 (two separate installations).  I have set up a SQL 2008 server to host the EV and DA databases.  They currently sit on SQL 2005 servers.  I am trying to find instructions on moving the DA database to the new server, and while I have found some they aren't clear, or maybe I'm reading it wrong.  I'm looking at "Migrating Enterprise Vault to 64-bit hardware.pdf" as suggested in thread ""

The bit I'm having trouble is when you move the databases you have to open the Configuration database and tell DA about the new SQL server name:





  • In the Configuration Database Details page, specify the details of your SQL Server and configuration andatabase, and then click OK.


    Problem: I don't know how to open this page.  I go to http://server/evbaadmin and I don't see Configuration Database page.

    Can someone please advise how I see this?


    • You were really close, looks like you just missed step 8, you must have had to do this before! :)

      8. Modify the following in the CA or DA Configuration database. Replace the original SQL_NetBios server name with the new SQL_NetBios server name.
      Table Name Column Value
      tblCustomer Server New_SQL_NetBiosName
      Open SQL Query Analyzer and run the following query separately against each Configuration database that has been moved.  Replace bold items with the correct server name values:
      UPDATE tblCustomer SET Server = 'New_SQL_NetBiosName' WHERE Server = 'Old_SQL_NetBiosName'

    8 Replies

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    • Hell Mate,

      Have you referred to Symantec Technote:
      - How to move version 8.x or 9.x Discovery Accelerator (DA) and Analytics databases.

      Let me know if you need further assistance.



    • Hi,

      I have looked at it.  That document is for relocating databases which are on the same SQL server, so the server name will not change.  I am trying to move them to a new server with a different server name. 

    • Heres how I would do it


      first - before you move any DBs

      go into DA and accept/reject any pending search results.

      and stop and reject any running searches or let them finish and accept/reject

      then stop the Accelerator manager service on the DA server


      then you are ready to move the SQL DBs

      the DA config DB and the  customer DB etc

      detach the DB

      move it to new SQL server attach etc

      then go into the  da config files on the DA server  -in the pgm files /business accelerator folder

      theres 4 config files


      accel console exe config

      accel service.exe config

      and adsync exe config

      (and poss some analytic config files)


      open them in notepad and look for the line  with the SQL server name

      it will look like this    <add key="DSNConfiguration" value="server='YOUR SQL SERVER';Integrated Security=true;Initial Catalog='EVDAConfiguration';Connection Timeout=100;Connection Lifetime=30;Max Pool Size=200" />

      If your SQL server name is different  from the original then you change it there.

      also make sure the new SQL server is in your DNS etc




    • So that would get DA working, I've noticed that the Customer Databases were still pointing to the old SQL server.  I edited the Config database Customer table and change the SQL server listed there to the new one, is there anything else I need to do?


    • I spoke with someone from Symantec, they advised to uninstall DA, move DBs, reinstall and point at old config database.  What are the merits of either method (reinstall VS edit of config files list above)?  Above method seems easier...He didn't mention anything about Customer databases, so will go back to him and ask.

    • You were really close, looks like you just missed step 8, you must have had to do this before! :)

      8. Modify the following in the CA or DA Configuration database. Replace the original SQL_NetBios server name with the new SQL_NetBios server name.
      Table Name Column Value
      tblCustomer Server New_SQL_NetBiosName
      Open SQL Query Analyzer and run the following query separately against each Configuration database that has been moved.  Replace bold items with the correct server name values:
      UPDATE tblCustomer SET Server = 'New_SQL_NetBiosName' WHERE Server = 'Old_SQL_NetBiosName'
    • Tony is correct in that you don't need to uninstall and reinstall.  If fact, if you're not moving DA to a new server, that process won't update all of the places that need updating when the databases change to a different SQL Server or SQL instance.  The steps Paul (Florida57) and Tony provided are the correct steps.

      When moving all of the DA databases, you must ensure that the DA configuration database is updated wtih the new SQL Server name (and instance if installed on an instance).  This name change is to the tblCustomer table that contains references to all of the DA Customers that have been configured.  This table includes 1 row for each DA Customer, with the SQL Server NetBIOS name (and instance) referenced for access to that customer's database.

      The reason the exe.config files must be updated is these files refer to the DA Configuration database and are read when the Enterprise Vault Accelerator Manager Service (EVAMS) is started.  As part of the service startup, a communications channel between the DA and SQL servers is established, so these files provide the proper information for that connection.