Forum Discussion

MikeB_'s avatar
Level 3
13 years ago

Search with Required Keywords


When performing a keyword search with required words, does using multiple required words mean all required words are required, or only at least one of the required words are required?
Here is my example:
+Word01 +Word02 Word03 Word04 Word05 Word06
The way I understand it is, the above keyword search should behave like this:
Return results where Word03 OR Word04 OR Word05 OR Word06 are present, but only if Word01 OR Word02 are present.
If that is correct, (and because I'm sure this request will make its way to me eventually), how would I perform a search for the above six words, but require both Word01 AND Word02 to be present?
  • What version of DA?  What I would do is in box one put Word03, Word04, Word05, Word06 and use the Any of switch

    then in box 2 put Word01, Word02 wth the Any of switch.

    It would look like this:


    Also, this might help: Article URL


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  • What version of DA?  What I would do is in box one put Word03, Word04, Word05, Word06 and use the Any of switch

    then in box 2 put Word01, Word02 wth the Any of switch.

    It would look like this:


    Also, this might help: Article URL


  • Thanks for the response, Tony!


    I tried the search as you suggested, and it looks like that does what I was looking for, whereas my example search looks like it was requiring both Word01 AND Word02 to be present.


    Not that it matters now, but I'm running v.8.0 SP5.


    Thanks for the help!
