What is the difference between Enterprise Vault Compliance Accelerator and Enterprise Vault Discovery Accelerator?
Discovery Accelerator is for use for internal investigation and Legal eDiscovery for searching data within Enterprise Vault, placing the identified data on Legal Hold within Enterprise Vault( Legal Hold prevents items from being deleted in Enterprise Vault), tagging items and producing the data for use in court or an internal investigation.
Compliance Accelerator is to monitor content in Enterprise Vault using customizable rules to ensure that the staff are in compliance or the corporate or regulatory requirements.
An example would be that a trader does not pass on information to their customers which would result in insider trading
A sales person in a company does not make statements like "I Guarantee" in any statements they make with customers.
Compliance Accelerator identifies these items and escalates them to a reviewers screen who then examines the content and decides if action is needed to be taken.
Compliance Accelerator CAN NOT place data in Enterprise Vault on Legal Hold so data cant be prevented from deletion with Compliance Accelerator