Forum Discussion

Clear-DFH-CT's avatar
13 years ago

New User to Clearwell and looking for someone to chat about how to use.

Title basically says it all. New to Clearwell, no training to speak of and was interested in chatting with folks that use it and would be willing to do a little hand holding.  Version 7.1.1 and any info would be great.

2 Replies

  • Well with an installation you should have been provided some training on the product usage

    Are there specific areas you would like to discuss?

    Are you looking at the product as a system Administrator or as a legal professional who needs to use Clearwell for discovery

    If you can provide more info maybe we can assist

    I do however highly recommedn that you do the full Clearwell training which will provide the grounding in all aspects of the product and it's usage


  • Hi,

    I use Clearwell version 7.1.1 on a daily basis and would be be willing to assist only if Clearwell have no objection to this.

    I think a good starting point would be to look at the manuals you can download from the appliance and have a browse through these. I would also recommend having a look at or creating a demo for yourself this will allow to get to understand how Clearwell work in a test environment rather than just theoretically. 

    If there anything that you specifically want to cover just post on this thread and someone with the community will help.


    Christopher Brown