Forum Discussion

iceman22's avatar
Level 2
12 years ago

Archiving different forest


Hey guys so I have been researching some archiving for the past couple weeks and I just wanted to see if anyone had any suggestions on my situation since I cannot seem to have some concrete documentation. 

Version: EV 9.0.2
Windows Server 2008

We are currently in process of migrating EV; exchange Migration from company A to Company B.  We will be moving the mailboxes from company A to B but want to continue archiving EV on company A until all the mailboxes have been migrated, which could be a couple months . I want to know if there are any detailed steps or tech Documents I could follow.


Thank you very much J

  • i dont know about anything special as long as a two way forest trust exists between the two. if you have any specific issues you can come back and check here. there are a lot of forum posts on the topic but each has its own specific twist.

    Andres and JW had a good conversation a couple months ago that might be relevant to you

6 Replies

  • i dont know about anything special as long as a two way forest trust exists between the two. if you have any specific issues you can come back and check here. there are a lot of forum posts on the topic but each has its own specific twist.

    Andres and JW had a good conversation a couple months ago that might be relevant to you

  • I am going to assume there exists a forest trust and the EV Service account for CompA can read mailboxes on CompB servers.  If so, you will need to at least do the following:

    - Add the new Exhange domain in EV (right-click on Site->Targets->Exchange)

    - Create System mailbox on the new CompB Exchange servers

    - Create mailbox archiving tasks against the new CompB servers by pointing to the new system mailbox created in the above step

    The provisioning group membership, in case you are using AD groups, should not have an effect as long as the groups remain unchanged until EV is moved to CompB as well.

    There may be others that I am missing and I am sure others in the forum will cover those!

    Good luck!

  • @AndrewB :  I have looked over that post previously, thank you

    @TheEmptyMind : thanks for the tips


    Will try to gather as much info from this post over the next few days and then post up a complete solutions guide if it works out for me.

  • those seem to me like the standard steps for setting up Exchange mailbox archiving for any environment.

  • Yes, pretty close to the standard steps and the deviation is to target the servers in another forest and figure out where the provisioning groups are and if they need to be repointed.

  • Do you still need any help with this?  For posterity, please mark one of the comments as a solution in case it helped you resolve.