Forum Discussion

AltaClimber's avatar
16 years ago

archiving task - log/report needed

How can EVault be configured to produce a .txt file of the actions taken during a production Mailbox Archiving Task?


Note that manually running the Archiving Task in report mode isn't a solution; we need a report produced on the actions taken during production runs.




6 Replies

  • I've asked this exact question.  The only partial answer I've heard is to run dtrace during the production run.  I haven't tried this because it seems like dtrace would dump out way too much information, but if you were very specific with which options you selected and didn't use verbose mode it might kind of work.


    RANT - The ability to turn on tracing without bouncing services is nice, but it is not logging.  The event log is already "noisy", but still rarely has sufficient information to determine a problem's cause.  Immediately having to fall back to dtrace and attempting to recreate the problem is a poor substitute for proper logging.


  • It's not possible to get a TXT on what was archived.

    May I asked why this is important to you? What's the use case?


    pfgJim: EV already does good logging of Events for most "common" problems.

    And dtrace is really nice, if you compare with *many* other Software.... ;)




  • The biggest issue is that there is no real-time logging.  I want to know as much about a problem from when the problem occurs.  It can be rather difficult to reproduce the problem in order to get useful information to act on.  Events can be useful for categorizing issues, but they rarely supply enough information to assist with the correction of the underlying problem.


    DTrace is nice for enabling detailed tracing without restarting services.  It has some nice triggering and other features, but it is a troubleshooting tool and not a log file replacement.

  • We want to know which mailboxes were processed, how many items, what rates were achieved...and if any problems were found.


    Also like to know how many items were left to archive but the archiving task moved on to the next as it had hit the daily limit.


    The kind of information management would like to know...


    SSRS gives some information, but not nearly enough for our needs. The service desk would like the information to know who was processed the night before....