Forum Discussion

rbollinger1212's avatar
7 years ago

Corrupted Data. Had to do a restore.

Hey Guys, 

(EV 11 CHF 5) 

One of our CLOSED Evault partitions became corrupted and we had to do a restore from CommVault. The backup of this partition was from about 10 days ago. We also restore an incremental as well after the full backup was restored. 

What steps do we need to take now that we have complete the restore? The EV services have all started and EV is working as expected. 



12 Replies

  • Hello Robert,

    You might be able to use EVSVR, use Verify to verify data is where SQL thinks it is. I am not sure exactly what to use, the utilities guide should have guidance on that. You can select the specific partition to be verified. I believe the verify can be run regardless of the backup state of the partition, but you'll get a notification in the EVSVR logfile if needed.

    • rbollinger1212's avatar
      Level 4

      Thanks for the response. I have a ticket open with Veritas support but they abosltely hate people who date to still run EVault 11. I hope they call us back and help us out here. 

      I found some documentation on EVSR but its really confusing and i just need to know which commands run to verify that the data restored is correct. 



      • ChrisLangevin's avatar
        Level 6


        You'll want to run the EVSVR like so:

        1. Open your EV installation directory and double-click evsvr.exe.

        2. At the EVSVR prompt, type "edit" and hit Enter.

        3. Configure the following options:

             Operation: Verify
             Option: ArchiveObjects
             Level: SavesetValid

             Uncheck the "Process All Vault Store Groups," "Process All Vault Stores," and "Process All Partitions" checkboxes at the top and select the affected partition from the Partition: dropdown.

             Everything else you can leave default or set to taste.

        4. Click the Save button and save the settings to an XML file.

        5. Click OK and the EVSVR prompt should load the settings you selected.

        6. Type "start" and hit Enter.

        7. Wait a while. This step will take some time, as every saveset in the partition will be retrieved to verify that it is intact. There is no progress indicator, but you can safely go do other things while it runs. Just don't close the EVSVR window or reboot the box.

        8. When it is complete, a message in the EVSVR prompt will tell you it is finished.

        9. Review the report file and see if any items could not be retrieved. Depending on what the report says, there may be additional steps necessary, but those should get you started. Your Veritas Technical Support Engineer can help you interpret the report, as we do not, in fact, hate you. :smileyhappy:

