Forum Discussion

paulo7's avatar
Level 4
6 years ago

Deleting the file from the archive if the backup is completed

Dear Experts!

Our customer is using EV 12.04 with FSA archiving.
We are backing up the EV server with Veeam.

The customer has the following expectations:
- if we delete the placeholder file on the file server, it should delete in the future from archive too. (ok, it is ok, we can implement that)
- if the backup is completed ev can really delete the files from the archive.
(empty the trashcan or similar) (it is a problem)

I found one site setting, which can control how many days should keep the deleted files
in the archive.But it is a simple time setting which is not related to the backup.

- It is possible to implement this expectation?
- If it is possible, how can we implement that expectation?

Thanks a lot! 







2 Replies

  • Hey Paulo. 

    I am a little lost as the design is as you said. If safety copies are turned off or the backup is completed and a deletion of the item in the archive occurs (triggered by the placeholder deletion) and the system is configured properly then the item in the archive should be delted as well. Check out this thread for some interesting caveats and excerpts from dated guides explaining the feature. 

    All that stated I am going to answer with "yes" if I understood you correctlly I believe this to be possible.

    Did I win?



    • CConsult's avatar

      If I understand correctly TypoProne is right.


      - if we delete the placeholder file on the file server, it should delete in the future from archive too. (ok, it is ok, we can implement that)

      Do you mean a deletion of archived files? So deletions of file = deletion in archive


      - if the backup is completed ev can really delete the files from the archive.
      (empty the trashcan or similar) (it is a problem)

      EV works with safety copies (if configured). This means it does a copy of a file, then it usually waits for a backup to be completed (with Trigger File or ArchivBit). After this it will delete the original and replace it with a shortcut. Do you want to delete or not create the shortcut at all?