Forum Discussion

plaudone1's avatar
Level 6
7 years ago

Enterprise Vault 12.2.1 released.


EV 12.2.1 has been released and can be found here -

This has many fixes including one for File Server Archiving where file server shares would become inaccessible for a period of time during large file recalls.  This was due to an SMB thread issue that has been resolved. 



5 Replies

    • plaudone1's avatar
      Level 6

      Hi nzdude,

      We are in the midst of upgrading systems so the article will be updated as soon as the new system is online.  



  • Hi Patrick, Could you give me more information regarding "CFT-70: File server shares became unresponsive" ? I have a client with a smae typ of issue on FSA, how can I know if this is the same issue ... have you a specific event ID, a dtrace that can I do ... I didn't find a technote with more information regarding this issue ... I want to be sur that will correct the issue before make the upgrade. Regards, Antoine
    • plaudone1's avatar
      Level 6

      Hi Antoine,

      The issue is the one reported in this article-

      Basically a user could download a large file, several hundred MB or bigger, and this would cause all of the SMB threads to be allocated for that file.  Since no SMB threads are available any user trying to browse shares on the file server would only see that the server is not responding and folders/files are not visible.  This should return once the download completes, however this could be several minutes depending on the size of the file.  A similar issue could happen with mass recalls of files by users.  

      This update modifies the agent so that the SMB threads are not exausted and users should be able to browse without issue. I have tested this in the lab where previously the issue was present and could no longer reproduce the issue.  The 12.2.x release of the agent also removes file blocking as this is no longer supported.  I would highly suggest the new agent if a similar issue is being seen.  

      I hope this helps. 



      • Titoine31's avatar
        Hi Patrick, Many thanks for your help ;-) Regards, Antoine