Forum Discussion

MikeM-2468's avatar
Level 4
14 years ago

Enterprise Vault bandwidth requirements

I'm considering a hosted EV solution and have some concerns about the bandwidth requirements for EV to work smoothly.  Running EV with CA and DA, communicating at 1Gbps between the EV, SQL and Exchange servers seems to work ok.  In a test bringing EV down to 10Mbps things went a little sideways.  The Journal task coudn't keep up with the mail flow into the journal mailbox (which sees about 25,000 messages per day).  I'd get a lot of items stuck in pending archive state and many failures (external filter, copy, etc.).  Is this issue caused by a slow connection to the SQL server or the Exchange server or both?  The SQL server and Exchange server don't show anything in their logs that suggest a problem.  I see many messages on the EV server (Event IDs 158, 275, 2215, 3310, etc.)

2 Replies

  • If there wasn't enough bandwidth available to either keep up with the influx of messages on the Exchange server or add entries to the SQL databases used by EV, either one would cause many of those problems. Filter failures specifically would probably be problems connecting to Exchange, but the rest could be either one or both.

  • I've switched it so that the connection from the EV server to the SQL is 1Gb.  Everything else is 10Mb.  I'm seeing the same symptoms and errors.  Looks like having EV hosted elsewhere may not be a good solution unless we can get 100Mb or more for a connection.