Forum Discussion

goatboy's avatar
Level 6
13 years ago

Enterprise Vault database mirroring best practises

Hi   Running EV 9.0.2 and SQL 2008. We're looking to introduce a second SQL server and set up database mirroring between them for DR. For internal reasons, we have to have separate instance names...
  • goatboy's avatar
    13 years ago

    I set this up and it worked fine. Here's the procedure and notes for interested parties:

    1. Put all indexes and vaultstores in read only mode (for safety)

    2. Stop all EV/CA/DA services on all app servers

    3. On an EV server, open cliconfg.exe (for 64 bit systems, make sure you use C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cliconfg.exe)

    4. Change the Server alias from xxxxxxx\xxxxxxxx to EVSQL\EVSQLINSTANCE (pick a suitable server\alias instance name)

    5. Open regedit and navigate to HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\KVS\Enterprise Vault\Directory\DirectoryService

    6. Change the SQL Server Name entry from xxxxxxx\xxxxxxxx to EVSQL\EVSQLINSTANCE

    7. Repeat steps 3-6 on all EV servers

    8. On the EV server in Step 3, start the Admin and Directory services only

    9. In the EV VAC, go to VaultStore Groups. For each Vaultstore, do a properties, then click the database tab and change the SQL Server entry from xxxxxxx\xxxxxxxx to EVSQL\EVSQLINSTANCE. Confirm in the Properties of Enterprise Vault (at the top of the VAC) that database entry has been changed.

    10. Wait a few minutes for replication

    11. Start EV services on all EV/CA/DA and check that CA/DA clients connect OK, review Event Logs for errors, confirming retrieval, etc.

    12. Take the indexes and vaultstores out of read only mode, confirm archiving works

    Setting ODBC to use the alias name did not work. No big deal, in DR this will need to be manually changed to the DR mirrored server/instance real name. Also when in DR, need to change the cliconfg.exe server name (leaving the alias name alone)

    Last point, as per, seems that in DR you will have to manually change the MonitoringSettings value in the Directory database. I will test that shortly when we do a DR test.