EV 10 File System Archiving populatebillingaccount
Hi Experts,
First questions, I have EV 10 FSA server and in Archive general properties for users, the "Bill usage to" is blank. Is PopulateBillingAccount registry value applicable to EV FSA?
Second Question, if yes (from above), from EV FSA reporting, will this show the number of users accessing the archives?
Hi Will,
The short answer is 'No'.
PopulateBillingAccount is used for Exchange and once set the Billing Account is synced with the AD object assigned to the Mailbox.
There is no link to those FSA folders for us to pull that information from and as a general rule FSA Archives aren't assigned to a single individual.
You can manually assign an account to the Billing Account field but by the sounds of it you are after an automatic selection.