Forum Discussion

BEI's avatar
Level 5
10 years ago

EV 11.0.1 FSA slow restore

Hi all,

Running EV FSA 11.0.1 on Windows 2012R2 with 10GB network,

I'm currently restoring 400Gigs of data at what appers to be up to 15MB/per sec to file server Windows 2008R2 Guest on Vmware 5.5

Is there a way to speed things up.

I have  changed the regestry to 60 file per 1 sec. to make sure it does not stop as there are some small log files in there.

average file size is between 1.5-4.5 gig

Thanks in advance


  • at that rate your restore will be done in about 8 hours. seems acceptible to me. what transfer rates are you expecting? what storage are you using at the source and target? how's sql looking?

  • 55 Gb per hour is pretty big/fast from a single EV server.


  • at that rate your restore will be done in about 8 hours. seems acceptible to me. what transfer rates are you expecting? what storage are you using at the source and target? how's sql looking?

  • Thanks Rob,

    Not sure what I was expecting. It just seems slow, especialy whan the reserchers want to recover and analyse 1TB of data.



  • Hi Andrew,

    The Archives are located on Dell MD3600I 10Gb Ethernet, 7200RPM

    Restores are going to a Dell Equallogic box 10Gb Ethernet, 72000RPM

    All storage is located on a physically separate dedicated 10Gb Network infrastructure located in same rack.

    Backup server is physical server 2012R2, File server is virtual 2008R2 located on VM


  • BTW, it seems that after the registry change I was able to run 2 restores at the same time.

    They both ran at about 13MB/per sec. which helped as it was concurrently rather then one after the other.

    But if it can do 2 or more concurrently why not do one faster?


  • Most likely it is due to process doing the recall takes a bit of time to fulfill the request.  What are your settings for the Storage Service as far as Restore Threads go?

  • Hi Tony, Not sure how to check for these yet.

    Will have to run a test and find out in the next couple of days.

    The registry has set NoOfItemProcessorThrads set to 20. not sure if changing this will improve the speed.
