Forum Discussion

haeussler's avatar
Level 4
9 years ago

EV 12.0.3; "Your session has expired due to an extended period of inactivity”.

Hello we are facing this issue by a few customers. The EV version with this issue are 11.0.0; 11.0.1 CHF1, 12.0.3. in all version we have this issue.

All customers use the new search applications. This issue is not only in IE. The customer with EV version 12.0.3 facing this issue only in outlook, when he search in vault and only when outlook started. 

This technote was tested but no changes:


Have anybody an idea why this issue occured? This issue is also temporary.

Kind regard and thanks,

Lucas Häussler 

  • Hello everyone,


    so we have fixed this issue. It was the following: The FQDN Value from Server Alias were not set in the Trusted Sites from IE. After setting this value the search showed the content normally.


    Thank you for your help 

  • I've seen this issue recently, and I've seen it happen for a small variety of reasons.  In our case, it was because we had an entry in the Host Name of the Default Web Site bindings.

    To check that, go to IIS and select the Default Web Site.  Under 'Edit Site', click on 'Bindings...' and verify that the bindings there have blank host names.  If there's a host name in any of them, get rid of it and restart IIS.

    If that doesn't work, I'd recommend starting a DTrace on w3wp and attempting a search.  It's likely that the Event ID listed in your article will crop up, but the following error/exception will be slightly different from that in the article.

    Good luck!

  • Do you use corresponding EV Client Addins?

    Are there any other Addins of Outlook?

  • Hello everyone,


    so we have fixed this issue. It was the following: The FQDN Value from Server Alias were not set in the Trusted Sites from IE. After setting this value the search showed the content normally.


    Thank you for your help