Forum Discussion

fdehinbo's avatar
9 years ago

EV Client with Mac OSX Yosemite

We have EV Client plugin installed with Outlook for Mac 2016 on Mac OSX Yosemite 10.10.5.

Software versions:

  • EV Client:
  • Outlook for Mac 2016: 15.17 (151206)

Plugin installed succesfully.  However when I scroll to an archive emails and click Restore, it returns a message of "The operation could not be completed at this time".

When I click View it logs out with a message "Login failure: Unknown user or bad password", then prompts for credentials.  Once credentials are supplied and click View, it's the same over and over again.

When I click Reply, the error message is "No message is selected for the operation".

This was working before our Exchange Server and client was upgraded.  Are there things I can do to test/debug this?

2 Replies

  • Hello, 

    You need to analyze the EV client log from MAC OSX and find why the client has not connected.
