Forum Discussion

P_a_c_'s avatar
Level 2
14 years ago

EV Exchange Mailbox Analyzer Outlook profile window

Whenever I to run EMA aginst the Exchange server, the Outlook profile windows keeps popping up asking for the account name, for every mailbox that is going to be scanned. The Exchange version is 20...
  • JLab's avatar
    14 years ago

    I tried to use EMA in the Win7/Outlook2010 environment and in the WinXP/Outlook2003 environment.

    In both cases profile window kept popping up for every mailbox analyzed. I have noticed, that in the profile window form were wrong data - in the place where should be Exchange server name there was username and in the place where should be username was something else.

    So I used the AutoIT scripter and created a script, which waits for the profile window, copies&pastes the username to the correct place,enters exchange server name to the correct place and presses OK button. And voila - everything works.

    Looks like the EMA pushes the arguments to the MAPI library in the wrong succession.

    Here is the AutoIT script I used, enter the correct Exchange server name to appropriate row.

    -------- EMA.au3 start ----------

    ;endless loop
    While 1=1
    ;waiting for windows with specific title
    WinWaitActive ("Microsoft Exchange");
    ;copy username
    Send ("{CTRLDOWN}C{CTRLUP}")
    Sleep (1000)
    ;enter exchange server name
    Send ("EX07")
    Sleep (1000)
    Send ("{Tab}")
    Sleep (1000)
    ; paste username
    Send ("{CTRLDOWN}V{CTRLUP}")
    Sleep (1000)
    Send ("{Tab}")
    Sleep (1000)
    ; push check name button
    Send ("{Enter}")
    Sleep (1000)
    Send ("{Tab}")
    Sleep (1000)
    Send ("{Tab}")
    Sleep (1000)
    Send ("{Tab}")
    Sleep (1000)
    ; push OK button
    Send ("{Enter}")
    Sleep (1000)

    --------- EMA.au3 end ----------