Forum Discussion

LEOL's avatar
11 years ago

EV OWA Extension Failed to get hidden settings: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

EV v10 OWA Extension is installed on two Exchange 2007 sp3 servers with  both mailbox and CAS role in a resource forest. However, when we try to login to the OWA on a server (OWAExchange) to access the mailbox ( on the other server (MbxExchange), no EV buttons and toolbar is shown.

Turned on the OWA extension debug log shows that it could impersonate using the EV service account to load hidden settings of the mailbox. However, it failed to load the hidden settings with the error message:

Failed to get hidden settings: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Any hints on what this error is about?

Related web.config appSettings:

  <add key="EnterpriseVault_ResourceVersion" value="v10.0.4.1189"/>
  <add key="EnterpriseVault_VaultServiceAccountUPN" value=""/>
  <add key="EnterpriseVault_ExchangeWebServicesUrl" value="http://localhost/ews/exchange.asmx"/>
  <add key="EnterpriseVault_LogEnabled" value="true"/>

The complete log is included below:

12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] #############################################################
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] Request processing started
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] Url: https://MbxExchangeFQDN/owa/forms/premium/StartPage.aspx
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] RawUrl: /owa/default.aspx
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] Query String parameters:
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] Cookies
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6]     UserContext: _j4u6CjbDEOOAcZehzY0cap1sc8pxdBI5P2vwnn8lIh2Q8FQ_4QUN6BPRXBKgnnwup5iulOkAAg.
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] Form:
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] OWA Session details
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6]     User agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; MS-RTC LM 8)
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6]     Authentication type: Negotiate
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6]     Authenticated user: DOMAIN\OWAExchange$
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6]     Client IP Address: OWAExchangeIP
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6]     Server IP Address: MbxExchangeIP
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6]     Host: MbxExchangeFQDN
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] Primary SMTP Address:
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] Explicit Logon: False
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] Explicit Logon Address: owa
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] EV Extensions DLL version:
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [RequestProcessor::StartImpersonation] Getting proxied user UPN from AD
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [RequestProcessor::StartImpersonation] SecurityException trying to impersonate user:
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [RequestProcessor::StartImpersonation] Exception: Logon failure: account currently disabled.

12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [RequestProcessor::StartImpersonation] Impersonating VSA:
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [EVContext::Initialise] Loading EVContext
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [Resources::LoadLanguageFile] Trying to opening language file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\ClientAccess\owa\EnterpriseVault\v10.0.4.1189\Languages\en-us.lan
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [Resources::LoadLanguageFile] Language file not found
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [Resources::LoadLanguageFile] Trying to opening language file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\ClientAccess\owa\EnterpriseVault\v10.0.4.1189\Languages\en.lan
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [Resources::LoadLanguageFile] Loaded language: en
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [EVContext::ResetHiddenSettings] Resetting hidden settings to defaults
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [EVContext::LoadHiddenSettings] Loading hidden settings
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [EVContext::LoadHiddenSettings] Getting hidden message entry id using SMTP address:
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [WebDAVHelpers::GetEVHiddenMessageId] Mailbox Url: https://MbxExchange/exchange/
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [WebDAVRequest::Send] Request url: https://MbxExchange/exchange/
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [WebDAVRequest::Send] Request method: PROPFIND
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [WebDAVRequest::Send] Request timeout (milliseconds): 300000
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [WebDAVRequest::Send] Adding Depth header: 0
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [WebDAVRequest::Send] Request body: <?xml version="1.0"?><d:propfind xmlns:d="DAV:" ><d:prop><u:inbox xmlns:u="urn:schemas:httpmail:" /></d:prop></d:propfind>
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [WebDAVRequest::Send] Creating XmlDocument
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [WebDAVRequest::Send] Loading XmlDocument
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [WebDAVRequest::Send] Loaded XmlDocument: <?xml version="1.0"?><a:multistatus xmlns:b="urn:uuid:c2f41010-65b3-11d1-a29f-00aa00c14882/" xmlns:d="urn:schemas:httpmail:" xmlns:c="xml:" xmlns:a="DAV:"><a:response><a:href>https://MbxExchange/exchange/</a:href><a:propstat><a:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</a:status><a:prop><d:inbox>https://MbxExchange/exchange/</d:inbox></a:prop></a:propstat></a:response></a:multistatus>
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [WebDAVHelpers::GetEVHiddenMessageId] Inbox Url: https://MbxExchange/exchange/
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [WebDAVRequest::Send] Request url: https://MbxExchange/exchange/
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [WebDAVRequest::Send] Request method: SEARCH
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [WebDAVRequest::Send] Request timeout (milliseconds): 300000
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [WebDAVRequest::Send] Request body: <?xml version="1.0"?><d:searchrequest xmlns:d="DAV:" ><d:sql>SELECT "" FROM SCOPE('shallow traversal of "https://MbxExchange/exchange/"') WHERE "DAV:ishidden" = true AND "" = 'IPM.Note.EnterpriseVault.Settings'</d:sql></d:searchrequest>
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [WebDAVRequest::Send] Creating XmlDocument
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [WebDAVRequest::Send] Loading XmlDocument
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [WebDAVRequest::Send] Loaded XmlDocument: <?xml version="1.0"?><a:multistatus xmlns:b="urn:uuid:c2f41010-65b3-11d1-a29f-00aa00c14882/" xmlns:c="xml:" xmlns:d="" xmlns:a="DAV:"><a:response><a:href>https://MbxExchange/exchange/</a:href><a:propstat><a:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</a:status><a:prop><d:x0FFF0102 b:dt="bin.base64">AAAAAGjucy7vsVBLm3lzngjCHNQHAG7yOgOtVGVKrmG9Vw24A7oA888YuAAAAG7yOgOtVGVKrmG9Vw24A7oA89ATBLQAAA==</d:x0FFF0102></a:prop></a:propstat></a:response></a:multistatus>
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [WebDAVHelpers::GetEVHiddenMessageId] ID: AAAAAGjucy7vsVBLm3lzngjCHNQHAG7yOgOtVGVKrmG9Vw24A7oA888YuAAAAG7yOgOtVGVKrmG9Vw24A7oA89ATBLQAAA==
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [EVContext::LoadHiddenSettings] Retrieved hidden message entry id
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [Id::EwsId] Converting EntryId to EwsId
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [MailboxBase::MailboxBase] Connecting to Exchange Web Services using: http://localhost/ews/exchange.asmx
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [ConvertId::DoConvertId] Converting ID using web services
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [Id::EwsId] Converted EntryId to Mailbox EwsId: AAMkADQ0MTNmMDEyLTliZmYtNGNkMy05ZGNiLTM1MTRlZGUzMWJiMQBGAAAAAABo7nMu77FQS5t5c54IwhzUBwBu8joDrVRlSq5hvVcNuAO6APPPGLgAAABu8joDrVRlSq5hvVcNuAO6APPQEwS0AAA=
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [MailboxBase::MailboxBase] Connecting to Exchange Web Services using: http://localhost/ews/exchange.asmx
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [EVContext::LoadHiddenSettings] Retrieved hidden message from web services
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [HiddenMessage::LoadHiddenMessage] Failed to get hidden settings: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Owa.ExchangeStoreAccess.HiddenMessage.LoadHiddenMessage()
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [EVContext::LoadHiddenSettings] Settings from hidden message:
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [EVContext::LoadHiddenSettings] Exception loading hidden settings:
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [EVContext::LoadHiddenSettings]     System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Owa.Core.EVContext.LoadHiddenSettings(Log oLog, Boolean brefresh)
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [EVContext::LoadHiddenSettings] Using default settings
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [EVContext::ResetHiddenSettings] Resetting hidden settings to defaults
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [EVContext::LogHiddenSettings] Mailbox Settings loaded at: Monday, January 01, 0001, 12:00:00 AM
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [EVContext::LogHiddenSettings]     Enabled for archiving: Never Enabled
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [EVContext::Initialise] EVContext intialised at 12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [EVContext::Initialise] Hidden settings loaded at 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [EVContext::IsValidBrowser] Checking browser...
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [EVContext::IsValidBrowser] User agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; MS-RTC LM 8)
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [EVContext::IsValidBrowser] Using premium client - browser valid
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [EVContext::IsValidBrowser] Returning: True
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [RequestProcessor::ProcessRequest] Setting response filter: Premium.WunderBar
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] [RequestProcessor:StopImpersonation] Stopped impersonation
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] Request processing finished
12/5/2013 9:18:03 AM [2888,6] #############################################################
  • On the CAS server you're running OWA on, can you log on and go to this address?


    Based on it contacting this URL:

    My best guess is that you only have https enabled on the server, and in the background you're getting an error saying that you should use SSL instead

    you could try changing this in your web.config, the same place where you enabled the logging

    <add key="EnterpriseVault_ExchangeWebServicesUrl" value="https://localhost/ews/exchange.asmx"/>

2 Replies

  • What version of EV.  There were some fixes to OWA in the later releases so I would recommend you get to the latest EV 10 release and then retry.

    Also, please explain exactly isn't working.

  • On the CAS server you're running OWA on, can you log on and go to this address?


    Based on it contacting this URL:

    My best guess is that you only have https enabled on the server, and in the background you're getting an error saying that you should use SSL instead

    you could try changing this in your web.config, the same place where you enabled the logging

    <add key="EnterpriseVault_ExchangeWebServicesUrl" value="https://localhost/ews/exchange.asmx"/>