Forum Discussion

SYMAJ's avatar
Level 6
10 years ago

EV Server Migration Wizard - Report Files

I am currently performing an EV migration from W2K3 servers to W2K8R2 servers (2 of each), and having done all the preparation work am at the stage where I am running the migration wizard.

I ran the extract on the directory server (runs Email archiving tasks) and the extract completed in a few minutes and produced 1MB of output - all files there as I expect.  This is what I have observed previously when performing this type of migration on both email and Journal servers (not done previously on a server running FSA).

I then ran the extract of the FSA EV server (runs the FSA tasks) and the extract said it required 99GB of space and has been running for well over an hour at this stage - producing 2.2GB so far).  It is producing hundreds of report files (evsmr files).  When i look into these files they appear to be details of the files archived - but I annot be sure.

My issue is do I need all of these files for the import or are they purely informtional ?  If I leave these to run it will take hours at this rate.  Can I cancel the wizard (as this is the last step and all previous steps are comleted OK) and proceed with an import on the new server with no issues ?


2 Replies

  • I answered my own question here - it was down to the actual report files in the REPORTS sub directory of enterprise vault on the source server.  I cancelled the export, cleared down the reports directory then re-ran the export - all good.
