EV SQL query to determine what license key is in use?
I'd need to know how to determine from the sql, what version of the license key is it using?
Is that possible?
I have multiple keys in the "installed license keys" folder so I need another way to determine which one is it using...?
Sani B.
Hi Sani,
I am not sure this is listed in SQL.
I also have multiple licenses in the 'installed licenses' folder. It is lazy me not cleaning up.
I believe you can do the following:
Figure out EV base version you are running (9,10,11)
Open each slf file, and look at line 'product name'. If the version mentioned does not match the version you use, move it somewhere else. Each line should indicate what the license is for (mailbox archiving, e-discovery/journaling, FSA, SP etc).
It should be as simple as that.
Or, get your current licensefiles, stop EV services, move all SLF files somewhere else, copy current license files in the ..\enterprise Vault folder, start directory and admin service. The slf files should than be moved to the ..\installed licenses folder
start other services.
If you missed a license, you will see that in the eventlog :-)