ev11.0.1 smtp journal archiving
Is it correct to say that I can use SMTP Journal archiving to archive items to users individual archives?
Say I have 5000 users in O365 and want an on premise EV archiving solution with an individual archive for each user. I want to O365 to forward all messages to the EV SMTP server and to archive each message into the users individual archive. Is this possible and practical?
Do I need selective journaling for this and if I do will I need to create a target address for all 5000 users?
many thanks
Not too unwieldy, no. The SMTP feature is designed to handle large numbers of targets, and we have customers happily using it with thousands of them. If you try to use the VAC to manage all the targets, you might find it cumbersome, but assuming you get familiar with the various Verb-EVSmtpTarget cmdlets in the EV Management Shell, it shouldn't be too difficult to manage.