EV11 server Decom - Vault Store Sharing question
Morning. I've been tasked with decommissioning an Win2k8 EV server that was used for FSA from our environment (remaining 15 EV servers are Win2012 - 12 used for Exchange and 3 other FSAs). We do not currently archive anything anymore as we moved our onprem Exchange servers offprem and all our File Servers just use Dedup now so FSA is defunct, our old Exchange archives are to be kept until their retentions expire (so must keep EV going for a few more years).
We are still on EV version 11, but the plan is to upgrade to version 12 in the New year after we have completed a tidy up exercise. Over the past few months I've been tasked to recall all FSA data from EV back onto the servers and we are going to decommission the FSA part of our environment but the most pressing thing is to remove the final Win2k8 server which is why I'm here for advice.
All our servers use the Sharing Level of "share within group" for the Vault Store group and I was wondering what would happen to the environment if I was to decommission this single Win2k8 EV server due to the sharing level?
I understand that changing the sharing level doesn't act retrospectively but my main concern is if the Exchange archives have any SIS information stored on this FSA server's vault store etc.
I've not really found any information on it anywhere and because we are still on EV11, Veritas Support will not help answer my question or give advice until we upgrade.
Thanks for any help.
Hi Ampersound,
If there is sharing in the group then the potential is there for items in the FSA store to be shared to the items in the other store(s). You could find the VaultStoreIdentity of the FSA vault store from the EnterpriseVaultDirectory > VaultStoreEntry table and then perform a search in the SISPart table of the other vault store using that identity.
Select Count(*) From SISPart Where VaultStoreIdentity = #
That will tell you how many shared items are seen in the FSA store from that specific store. Those items would not be retreiveable if you were to decommission the entire server, vault store, partition...
You could remove all of the archive from the FSA vault store to reduce overhead and the remaining items would be the ones shared. Then you could move the partition to another server, if it is a type that can be moved, to allow access to those items.