Forum Discussion

bobby_hilliard's avatar
16 years ago

EV2007 sp5 - Manual versus automatic archiving

I apply the following script so I can manually archive all mailbox items:

directorycomputername = evault01
sitename = evault01site01

name = filter1
CreateShortcut = false
DeleteOriginal = true
unreadMAIL = true
UseInactivityPeriod = true
InactivityUnits = days
InactivityPeriod = 0

distinguishedname = /O=organization/OU=org_ou/cn=Recipients/cn=jdoe

name = mailboxroot
filtername = filter1
retentioncategory = personal
OverrideArchiveLocks = true

QUESTION#1: if this is applied, but a manual job isn't run, will this mailbox be ignored by the *normal* archiving run? I am seeing this but would like some confirmation.
QUESTION#2: if #1 is true, then do I revert back to *normal* by adjusting the script? or is there a way to un-set the mailbox so that the normal criteria again becomes effective.

I have a couple of mailboxes that I ran the script against, but have never done the manual archiving run...and they appear to be ignored on the *normal* runs. 


6 Replies

  • i thought zap was for permissions...will it also reapply the *default* policy when next synchronized?

  • If a mailbox has already had archiving activity against it...and I zap, and re-enable it, will the previous archiving activity cause issues?

    The mailbox had been being archived using normal policy. then i used evpm to set it to archive everything. This is a huge mailbox, and seemed to "hang"..meaning, only so much activity and then it just stopped. So, the last time I tried a manual, i set it to 2000 items (run now). That has apparently worked, and it's just sitting there waiting on me. There's 8000 more items left to archive. (this is a disabled user). if i elect to add it back to the fold (normal policy) by zapping and then re-enabling...will the archiving task get confused when it detects shortcuts already in the thing?