EVDominoExporter terminate without exporting
Hi all ..
We are testing EVDominoExporter in LAB env..
EV 9.0.2 up and running(archiving = ok)
Notes/Domino 8.5.1 ...
ID file = econnect.id(the same ID file .. configured on EV server for Enterprise Vault Domino Domain)
EVDominoExporter.exe /A "Helpdesk/Moped AB" /O "maxns1970/services/Lotus/Domino/data/mail/helpdesk.nsf "/I “d:\econnect.id” /P password
Command have been tested with and without brackets..
Nothing happens and there are no errors .. just says "Terminated"
I've run DTRACE 18(EVDominoExporter) and the log just contains 2 lines
1 ...time [3108] (EVDomino....) 5340 EV:L (Cpool ...exit ... [success]
2 ...time [3108] (EVDomino....) 5340 EV:M (EVAudit ...Closing down audit database
Grateful for any suggestions ..
The problem was that EVDominoExporter could not handle search string for the ID file ..
Copied ID file to C:\ID and now it works ..
Thanks ...