Forum Discussion

Tonaco_pt's avatar
3 years ago

Event 3492 is logged by the Mailbox Archiving Task


I just have 1 question.

We are getting lots of Event 3492, we followed the instruction in this post Event 3492 is logged by the Mailbox Archiving Task.

My question is can I run this for all mailbox? what happens if I do?

Thank you for your support




5 Replies

  • the technote suggests running it "for each mailbox logged via a 3492 event." i dont know the ramifications of running it for all mailboxes in your environment.

  • Hello,

    The answer is depending of your environment ( how many mailboxes, how many exchange server, how many EV Hello,

    To answer precisely to your question we would need to know a bit more about your environment ( how many, mailboxes, how many exchange servers, how many ev server,...).

    Why should you run it for all mailboxes ? the script let you run it for only the concerned mailboxes. Which should be s smaller load on your environment.

    As I sometimes have one of those and can run the "searchfolder.exe" without problem for just the concerned mailbox,I can't tell you the performances implication if you run this script on a huge environment.

    You can also fine tune the reg key ( but be careful to don't bring the server performances down).

    I know the answer is not really precise but as we don't have any technical info about your environment it is rather difficult to evaluate the impact.

    If you can test it on a test system or do it for smaller groups and increase gradually when you see no impact on your machines.I would also test run on a off time ( when the servers are not archiving and not so busy).

    Hope this will help you to decide what to do.


    • Tonaco_pt's avatar

      Hi Sandrine

      We have a

      • Dag 2019 with 6 server
      • 15000 Mailbox
      • 3 Vault Server
        • Each Vault server archive 2 mailbox server (1 at the time)

      If I can confirm that this procedure does not decrease exchange server performance, I would aad this step to script we run on the new users so I didn't have worry with it.

      For now, I continue to monitor da Eventvwr.

      • CConsult's avatar

        you can do it.

        there is also a powershell script way on the bottom.

        It searches every user which appears in event log and set the setting for exactly this user.

        It is a good idea to let this script run regulary, like every other week.



  • Hi CConsult

    For now I created a schedule tasks that run every day.

    my doubt is if 40000 itens as an impact in the exchange server want lots of 30000 itens in a folders, in other users have the similar impact?

    Best regards
