Forum Discussion

Marcde's avatar
4 years ago

Event 41352 Unexpected COM exception caught - EV 14.1

Hi there, after bringing a few environments to 14.1 we recognized a few new issues that we've never seen before. One of this is Event 41352 which comes up on basically every environment when archiving / indexing is taking place. We've have not had the time yet to analyze this topic with technical support but based on our analysis this does not seem to have any impact on indexing itself and all volumes mentioned in this event stay online an updated.

Just curious to see if others are facing these ones as well?

Event 41352

The processing of the Index Volume has stopped following errors.
Archive name: <Name>
Task: <none>
Index Volume ID: <ID>
Reason: <none>
Error Type: NonCritical
Description: Unexpected COM exception caught. Archive Id=[<ArchiveID>] HRESULT=0x80047192


We've also recognized that the default dtrace rollover setting of 100 mb is no longer working properly and the dtrace just keeps writing in one big log file. Also some strange convertersandbox errors with ID 29135 and 29158 for differrent files / file types, both with the same message body.

Event 29158

The EVConverterSandbox.exe process is terminating due to an irrecoverable exception.


Anyone else seeing this stuff in 14.x? 




    • Marcde's avatar

      Hi Gertjan,

      well, should've checked the kb articles again before posting. As they are pretty fresh I didn't find them last week. 

      Many thanks for locating these ones. 




    • MikeK-GT's avatar
      Level 4

      41352 error is not fixed in 14.1.3 still getting those errors, one of my Index servers needs a restart every few days, otherwise it locks up indexing. 

  • Hi Marc,

    14.1.1 is released today, that has the DTRACE roll-over issue fixed.

    • Marcde's avatar

      Hi Gertjan

      thanks, eagerly waiting for it to be released today due to another annoying issue. 




  • Can confirm that we also do see these still occuring in 14.1.3.


