Forum Discussion

gautam_verma1's avatar
10 years ago

EVPM folder restrictions

Hello Tech Gurus,


Can you please help me with folder restriction script, I have put in restriction that user cannot delete/move managed folder, however I want to restrict them with rename as well. They should not be able to even rename the folder provided to them.


Please refer to last script I am using :

DirectoryComputerName = EV1
SiteName = EVSite
Name = FilterA
CreateShortcut = true
DeleteOriginal = true
UnreadMail = true
UseInactivityPeriod = true
InactivityUnits = days
InactivityPeriod = 3
 LDAPquery = (memberof= CN=MyDistGroup,OU=Organization,OU=Groups,DC=myDomain,DC=com)
 LDAPQueryDomain = MyDomain.Com
Name = 5Years
FilterName = filterA
NonDeletable = True
RetentionCategory = 5 years
OverrideArchiveLocks = true


I thank you in advance for your guidance.

Warm Regards,
