Export archives to original mailbox - reset timestamp?
I have one question. I am migrating our users from EV9 to EV12 by exporting their archives to their original mailboxes, migrating their mailboxes to new Exhange environment which is protected with EV12 and adding them to archiving on that new EV12 server.
I have noticed that after they were added (automatically) in EV12, and when archiving task is run, their mails that were previously exported, are not archived.
My question is, is timestamp of those mail objects has been reset to that day (during export)?
Does it have to pass time after they been added to new EV according archiving policy for those emails been archived again?
Help you in advance
When you restore the items to the mailbox, EV stamps them with a Restored Date property. EV will use this in future archiving runs to prevent rearchiving the item until after the appropriate time has passed per your policy.
In your situation and others like it, where items were previously in an EV environment but now they are in a different EV environment and you want it to treat them like new, many customers find the IgnoreEVDates Registry setting comes in handy. Read up on the possible values (you're probably looking at setting its value to 2), make sure to set the companion IgnoreEVDatesEnd string, and see if that helps out any.