File Server Change Without Addressing EV Files
Hello recently migrated data from a file server that unknowingly contained FSA EV files. We created a CIS share using the same name as the old file server. We now have the old server and the new CIS share up, the old file server with a different name. We have found that some files on the old server were archived with EV10 and these files were not copied over during the ROBO copy run. Now I am having to manually copy the missed files.
1. What can we do to get the shortcuts moved over to the new CIS share or do I have to manually copy over the files that were not copied? I have already started to manually copy over files using a folder compare program. Its copying the actual file not the shortcuts. yes its a mess now.
2. What can I do with the old server name in the EVadmin console which is the new CIS share name? Everytime I try to click on the server name it locks up the admin console. I was able to put the new name of the old server in.
The -pm option will not work as it attempts to migrate the placeholders and archive point from source to destination. The following should be used to restore the items out of the archive. I had left out the -t in the last post.
FSAUtility -t -s \\server\e$\docs\projectabc -d \\server\docs\projectabc -r -l 0