Forum Discussion

mrauf's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

How Remove the Place holder or X-Mark from the files.


I  am facing an issue to restore all files from FSAUtility, I am using the following command to restore in the same location.

C:\program files (x86)\enterprise vault>fsautility -b -s "\\pbad-emdesign\EM_Design\SHAMIYAH" -recurse 


C:\program files (x86)\enterprise vault>fsautility -t -s "\\pbad-emdesign\EM_Design\SHAMIYAH" -f

and i getting the below error.

FSA Data Mover Utility.
Symantec Enterprise Vault.
Copyright (c) 2010. Symantec Corporation.

Bulk Recall of Placeholders
Folder      : \\\EM_Design\SHAMIYAH
Processing file list... 100%
XML Log file generated.
There were errors with Bulk recall, See the log file for details:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault\Reports\FSAUtility\EV_FILESYSTEM_UTILITY_LOG_20150826162228.xml

I am unable to remove the Place Holder from the files, please find the attachment.

My Configuration Deatils:- 

Enterprise Vault - 10.3

Windows - 2008 R2 Enterprise 64 Bit

Please kinldy give me the proper solution.




Abdul Rauf



  • someone had the same exact error in this post and what they did to fix it was use this utility:

    How to use the FSAFixOfflineFile tool

  • Can you dtrace fsautility and see what shows up.

    Have you checked bypassrecalllimits

  • For files that are offline but no longer valid placeholders you can use FSAFixOfflineFile:

  • i am getting below error

    There were errors with Bulk recall, See the log file for details:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault\Reports\FSAUtility\EV_FILESYSTEM_UTILITY_LOG_20150830084645.xml

  • if you go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault\Reports\FSAUtility\ and open the file EV_FILESYSTEM_UTILITY_LOG_20150830084645.xml what errors does it indicate?

  • Dear Andrew

    it's giving below status error


    Item Status
    \\\EM_Design\UMM AL QURA\(umm al qura) 21-06-07\TO-Asaad jadat (umm al qura) 21-06-07.tif Error in determining whether the file is a placeholder – Failure
  • someone had the same exact error in this post and what they did to fix it was use this utility:

    How to use the FSAFixOfflineFile tool