Forum Discussion

woelki's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

How to check amount of needed licenses

Hey guys,

I have some general questions about EV licensing and I want to check how many licenses I would need at the moment.

We are running EV 10.0.4 with FSA and MBX Archiving. Both is licensed per user.

So if I run "Run licensing and Usage Summary Report" I can only see FSA usage and additional extensions.
But if I change the license type to "Per User licensed" the report does not change at all. It still shows the used TB.
Is that something the CU3 could improve?

Than I need to know, what exactly has to be licensed? All archives or only archives with an active user? So a user leaves the company, his AD object will deleted sometime, his archives stay. Do they need a license?

Leading to my question, what is the best way to check the needed amount of licenses for FSA and MBX Archiving?

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,


  • for these products (and many others) symantec goes off the honor system. it's up to you, the customer, to maintain your compliance with your symantec contract by informing them of changes to your usage or consumption of their products. there's no builtin mechanism in EV to enforce or measure the active user count for your company.

3 Replies

  • for these products (and many others) symantec goes off the honor system. it's up to you, the customer, to maintain your compliance with your symantec contract by informing them of changes to your usage or consumption of their products. there's no builtin mechanism in EV to enforce or measure the active user count for your company.

  • Hi GertjanA,

    thanks for the information. You mean I should ask HR for the FTE count and this should nearly fit to the needed licences.

    We host a shared service center for huge bunch of company branches. We are migrating with QMM, at the moment it looks like, that QMM is an all-the-time-solution for our crossforest environment.

    So, for sure I can filter all active and switched mailboxes.

    But what I ask myself, is that in the sense of Symantec?

  • For licensing questions, you can best talk to a partner that sells FSA. They should know. If not possible, you can also try to contact Symantec Customer service, they should be able to assist, or bring you in contact with someone who knows.

    For Mailbox archiving, the general rule is that you need a license for a mailbox that is assigned to a user (a person). Functional mailboxes, groupmailboxes, room-mailboxes do not require a license. If a user leaves, even if you keep the mailbox (for whatever reason) you do not need a license.

    In general, an active user requires a license. Your FTE count should give that number.