Forum Discussion

jasonwelch01's avatar
15 years ago

Import PST to a Journal Archive


Does anyone know the best way to import a pst file into a journal archive?  We are running EV 2007 sp2 and Exchange 2003. 

Thank you

  • Hi Guys,

    Thank you to each of you for all the great is much appreciated

4 Replies

  • I think you should be able to import the pst the same way as you import them into the users mailboxes, except for client driven, of course :)

  • It also depends on what you want to do with them.  If you are running CA and want the emails to be tagged, the emails will need to be copied into the Journal mailbox and archived that way.

    If you just want to import into an archive for searching purposes, you will have to use EVPM to do the import into a Journal archive as the Import Wizard does not show the Journal archives as a Destination archive.  You could however add a Shared Archive and import into it.
  • My suggestion is the same as Johns,

    Simply use ExMerge To Import the PSTs into the jounal mailbox.

    Using ExMerge to import PST files

    1) Place all of the PST files that you want imported into a single Folder
    2) Copy the files Exmerge.exe and Exmerge.ini to your Exchange Bin directory.  (Default is C:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\Bin for Exchange 2000 and 2003)
    3) Run Exmerge.exe
    4) Click Next on the Welcome screen
    5) At Procedure Selection, choose Extract or Import (Two Step Procedure) and click Next
    6) Choose Step 2: Import data and click Next
    7) On the Destination Server page, enter the name of your exchange server.  You may also enter additional options by clicking on the options button:

    • On the Import Procedure tab, you have your choice of:
    • Copy (will copy even duplicates without checking)
    • Merge (will check for duplicates before copying)
    • Replace (will overwrite duplicates with data from the PST)
    • On the Folders tab you can choose folders to skip (deleted items, etc…)
    • On the Dates tab you can choose messages that meet a date range

    8) After entering the server name and any options, click Next
    9) Mailbox Selection – here you can choose the mailboxes to import, if you select all, any mailboxes that a PST does not exist for will be skipped.

    NOTE:  ExMerge will look for a PST file that matches a naming convention of “Alias Name”.PST, when a recovery is performed the Alias name is unknown to DTI Data, so the PST files will be named “Display Name”.PST, which may match your organizations Alias or it may not.  If it does not match what is listed as the alias for a user, Exmerge will skip that mailbox.  You will see in the log files if a mailbox is skipped because of a PST not being found.  It may be necessary to rename the PST files prior to running Exmerge.  EG:
    John Best, the alias name is Jbest and the PST file name Jbest.pst.

    10) On the Locale Selection, leave the default (English), unless necessary to change it and click Next
    11) Target Directory – Browse to the folder containing your PST files and click Next
    12) Save Settings – if you choose, you may save the settings into an Exmerge.ini file for use at a latter time
    13) After clicking Next, Exmerge will run through the process of importing data, utilizing several threads.  After it is finished, click the Finish button
    14) Check the logs (from the same directory Exmerge was run from) named Exmerge.log and ExMerge-(Thread[n]).log for any errors encountered during the process.

    Download ExMerge:

    • Download:


    • MS -
    • MS -
    • ExMerge Strategies and Best Practices -
    • Troubleshooting ExMerge issues -
    • ExMerge is your Friend -


  • Hi Guys,

    Thank you to each of you for all the great is much appreciated