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Bruce_Cranksh1's avatar
11 years ago

Interesting FSA Redesign Question

Hi All


I have an interesting scenario around a FSA Redesign scenario


I have a customer that previously use to target 14 Windows file server cluster for FSA archiving only. The previous partner didn’t design the EV solution correctly and was using a single EV server to do this so there were constant performance issues due to a single EV server being used.


This customer has now also purchased Mailbox Archiving and eDiscovery and I have allocated 2 additional EV servers to assist with the FSA archiving load


But now I have a scenario around  how to split the FSA archives between the various EV FSA servers in the most effective way


Adding to this the customer has invested in a Celerra and has migrated and recalled all previously archived data to the Celerra. So I now have a completely unarchived File Server environment on a Celerra which makes the targeting  of the File servers easier but I still have all the previous EV archives sitting on a single EV server.


So in my view I have 2 options, I could


  • Delete all the current EV File archives and just start archiving again and split  the performance  load correctly. I don’t want to do this unless this is best option as a Centera is used for EV storage so this means deleting from the Centera which could be time consuming
  • I could keep the current EV File Archives but find the best way to move certain archives to other Vault Stores on the other EV allocated FSA servers. But due to the fact that all the data is now unarchived on a Celerra I’m not sure FSA Utility would even work?


Any input would be appreciated


  • YOu may try this

3 Replies

  • Have a read of the following arcticle

  • This is a good article but my scenario is where there are no more  Placeholders and only some FSA archives that need to be moved to different EV FSA servers?


    Would FSA Utility work in this case? Also the Celerra has the same share names as the old Windows File Servers.

  • YOu may try this