Forum Discussion

Vikes_2's avatar
Level 6
16 years ago

Journal archive processes in read only mode?

Hey everyone,
So I have never seen this one before, I have a journal archive that is in read only mode and is still processing messages. Has anyone seen this before, and if so what might I try to fix it? There are no errors or anything pointing to a problem it is just processing even though the reg shows read only..

  • Well there you go!

    In the Registry chm and pdf there is this nugget:
    Running Enterprise Vault on 64-bit Windows
    In a 64-bit environment, 32-bit applications like Enterprise Vault read from a different part of the registry than they do in 32-bit Windows. The following table shows the subkeys from which Enterprise Vault reads, depending on the version of Windows.

    32-bit Windows
       \Enterprise Vault
    64-bit Windows
         \Enterprise Vault

    The rest of this guide shows the 32-bit subkey only.

    So any of the keys that would normally be under HKLM\Software you will want to look for under the \Wow6432Node key.
