Forum Discussion

Scott__Hastings's avatar
10 years ago

Migrate items on Exchange Litigation Hold to EV?

Exchange 2010 SP3 RU2


Is there a way to migrate items on Exchange Litigation Hold to EV? V9,10, 11?


I have a client that currently uses Exchange litigation hold and is exploring EV for all Legal Hold/Archiving needs.


Is there a way to move items that are currently on Exchange Litigation Hold to EV?




  • You may want to be careful with the litigation hold because i believe that starts to use the Single Item Recovery, which can explode your exchange database sizes because every edit and change to a message is kept.

    So if you have an item thats on single item recovery, you archive it, it goes to pending, then it gets turned in to a shortcut. So now you have three copies of the item, the original, the pending and the shortcut, so it can end up effectively increasing your exchange stores to 250% the original size

    And in Journals as well, you get the same issue, the original item, the pending journal report, then the pending etc


8 Replies

  • You can archive from any Exchange mailbox to EV either manually or by policy based on age, quota, or even folder location within a mailbox. You could probably come up with a process to follow but most customers would choose to implement Exchange Journaling and archive to EV from the journal mailbox. That way you have a completely compliant record of everything and aren't trying to 'close the barn doors after the horses have escaped' if you know what I mean.

  • You may want to be careful with the litigation hold because i believe that starts to use the Single Item Recovery, which can explode your exchange database sizes because every edit and change to a message is kept.

    So if you have an item thats on single item recovery, you archive it, it goes to pending, then it gets turned in to a shortcut. So now you have three copies of the item, the original, the pending and the shortcut, so it can end up effectively increasing your exchange stores to 250% the original size

    And in Journals as well, you get the same issue, the original item, the pending journal report, then the pending etc


  • The goal is to end the use of Exchange Litigation Hold. I'd like to be able to archive all items from Litigation Hold folders and then disable it.


    Is this just a normal archive process? Do I disable before or after archiving?, etc?


    Any guidance appreciated and as usual, Thanks!!



  • I hope I'm not over simplifying everything but I don't see why you couldnt go through and manually archive them out and then convert to journal archiving going forward.

  • You're not over simplifying Andrew. I've jut never worked with the Exchange Litigation Hold Feature.

    I guess my question is "Can EV archive items on Exchange 2010 Litigation Hold from a journal or mailbox archiving task?' I probably need to lab it out.

    This brings up another question on handling Legal Hold w EV. Most people want to put a custodian on legal hold. DA obviously doesn't work that way. Using Mailbox Archiving, I could set an archive not to expire data, but as you know, mailbox archiving leaves the hole of hard deletes prior to archiving. The other option I can think of is to create a scheduled search in a case with Legal Hold enabled for each custodian. 


    You thoughts? Also, I'm unclear on moving items from items in Exchange Litigation hold to EV archives. As you stated, the plan is to use EV for handling legal holds moving forward.



  • with regards to how most people want to do legal holds i'd say it really is a factor of what technology they have. the way i understand it is with microsoft, your only option is to put an entire mailbox on "legal hold" which means you're probably retaining records that aren't relevant. with symantec EV / DA / Clearwell, sure you can do the same thing and put all messages to/from someone on legal hold or you can narrow it down and only apply a hold to data that's deemed relevant to the case.

  • Andrew and JW, thanks for your help on this. Based on your guidance, I decided to migrate items from Exchange Litigtion Hold mailboxes to EV by archiving mailboxes without doing anything to the original item (no shortcut, etc.

    I can disable Litigation Hold and let items expire from the mailbox as Exchange is set to process.

    I'll also create a journal rule and archive the journal mailbox(es), then I'll use scheduled DA searches to handle Legal Hold in EV. I'll need to search the mailbox archives that contain that items migrated from Exhange Litigation Hold until that data has expired.

    Do you see a problem with that approach?




  • scott, that sounds like a solid approach. in terms of the order you're doing it, i would get journaling going before you disable the lit hold in exchange just to make sure there's no gaps between the two methods.