Forum Discussion

AngeloNathan's avatar
9 years ago

Migration of Enterprise Vault 10 to version 12 (latest)

Do you have experience or guide for Migration of Enterprise Vault 10 to version 12 (latest)



  • Hello Angelo,

    You will have to go to 11 first, then to 12.

    There is good documentation (upgrade documentation for each)

    Very high-level:

    Set tasks in report mode, restart tasks. Verify MSMQ is empty, especially storage queue.

    Set EV in backup mode, set Schedule to 'never'.

    stop EV services

    Backup databases. (if you want to be 110% sure, also backup data and indexes)

    install 11.0.1 - follow documentation. make sure to run 'evdatabaseupgrader' to update databases.

    Start EV services, verify Eventlog and client functionality.

    When ok, perform same, upgrade to EV12. Make sure to read pre-reqs (like OS for EV12, SQL version etc)

    verify again, then enable schedule again, clear backup mode, go.

    Upgrade EV client to EV12 version on user workstations.

11 Replies

  • Hi Angelo,

    I trust you are well. I work for a company called Bluesource. We are one of the industry leading experts around Enterprise Vault.

    As a company we have completed many upgrades and migrations for EV users. I would be happy put you in touch with our experts to help with this. Please do get in touch

    All the best,
