Forum Discussion

RG009's avatar
Level 4
13 years ago

MOSS Archiving- Qns

Hello All,

We are presently doing MOSS Archving. I am still not clear the way it is working. Through out the testing the behaviour is inconsistent. My main concern is regarding the SharePOint policies.


1. Shorcuts : I assume if we set "Remove Orginal itesm from SharePoint"  @ 0 days and replace with Shortcut EV will create a shortcut right after archiving the document. Does it still remove the Original item from SharePoint in this case?


2. Pruning : If we set the above setting as 0 , is it still necessary to enable Pruning to remove the old versions.


Our requirement is to archive items older than 6 months from sharepoint and keep the shortcut of it. Now we are mass importing items to SharePOint so  initial Archiving  is 100's of Gigs ( older than 6 months ).

Thank you in advance


  • For 1, yes the original will be replaced with a shortcut but only after a successful backup of the vault store partition.  The shortcut will be created on the next archive run.

    For 2, Pruning is not related to shortcut creation. 

5 Replies

  • For 1, yes the original will be replaced with a shortcut but only after a successful backup of the vault store partition.  The shortcut will be created on the next archive run.

    For 2, Pruning is not related to shortcut creation. 

  • Thank you Tony

    So in our case if we want to keep only the last version of the archived item ( shortcut) in MOSS we should set the value "Prune SharePoint documents = 1" correct ?

  • Yes, you want that set to the maximum you want left in SharePoint, so in your case, 1.



  • While running the archive task in report mode i see the below lines in the report.

    *** Error *** There is an error in XML document (1, 2617).. ' ', hexadecimal value 0x0B, is an invalid character. Line 1, position 2617. Error listing files in the folder

    Any idea what is this error about ?

  • I started a new thread for the error since it is not related to the original question.
