Forum Discussion

EVGuy's avatar
Level 4
14 years ago

Move Archive and Legal Hold

I was looking thru the move archive white paper that you guys posted on here and found a statement that said if a user has a legal hold (from Discovery Accelerator) on their archive, the archive cannot be moved.

What I'm curious about is lets say you have 500 mailbox archives on a Centera and you want to use Move Archive to move them to a Celerra or a NetApp and you have 2 users that have a legal hold on their archives. Is there some kind of work around to get them moved over to the new storage? I can't imagine that you would have to hang on to a Centera that you were trying to move off and have to keep it around because of one archive.

Would you lift the legal hold, move the archive, and then reapply the hold? Would this affect anything in DA? (Not a DA guy here)  :)

Thanks for any ideas.

  • Hi,

    Archives which have one or more items on legal hold are not eligible to be added to the Move Archive wizard. I believe that this check is made upfront and the user notified of the reason why the archive cannot be moved. The check involves a query in the Vault Store database of each archive. There is no workaround for this.

    Obviously if you remove these legal holds then the archive could be moved from a legal hold perspective but I am no legal eagle so I cannot answer if that should be done from that perspective.


8 Replies

  • Hi,

    Archives which have one or more items on legal hold are not eligible to be added to the Move Archive wizard. I believe that this check is made upfront and the user notified of the reason why the archive cannot be moved. The check involves a query in the Vault Store database of each archive. There is no workaround for this.

    Obviously if you remove these legal holds then the archive could be moved from a legal hold perspective but I am no legal eagle so I cannot answer if that should be done from that perspective.


  • I'm wondering, if I get buy in from legal, what would be the implications of lifting the holds, moving the archive, and then placing the hold back on? This is a journal archive, so I don't think items that have expired would be deleted since Storage Expiry is set to 'Never' under Process Vault Stores.

    I guess I'm just wondering if lifting the hold and then just putting it back on would do anything to DA. I'm not a DA user so I don't know if this would cause problems on that end or not.

  • If the items are older than the retention period then taking them off of legal hold may cause expiry to kick in and delete the items. I would be extremely careful...

  • The site setting for Storage Expiry in the admin is set to 'Never'. Would you agree that this should not happen as long as the Expiry setting is set that way? Just being extra cautious here.

  • With the Storage Expiry set to never you should be safe.  As an extra precaution you could also uncheck "Delete expired items from this archive automatically" on the advanced tab of each archive.  This would prevent deletion if the storage expiry service were manually run.

  • Thanks J.!  I'll be sure to do both to be on the safe side.

  • I think you are gonna have to re run your search because the results are going to be for the "old" archive
  • Yeah, I have to recreate the search, I just posted another question in regard to existing searches, I'd like to re-create the search after the archive move, and then delete the old search, but I don't see anywhere in DA that would allow me to delete an accepted search. I may have to delete and re-create the case and the search.

    I found that if you re-create the search and then add the new archive (where you did the move to) to the case you actually get duplicates in the case. Messages from the old vault and then again from the new one that was created when you did the move.