Forum Discussion

JuanAntonio's avatar
11 years ago

Moving archives

Hi all,

We're currently running EV 9.0.4 on Windows 2008.

I've moved 41 archives (mailboxes) from one Vault Store to another and then (for several reasons) back again to their original location. The first move finished perfect. No errors. I deleted the old archives. Then, when I moved the archives back again to the original Vault Store, I got problemes with 3 of them (the other 38 completed fine). The problem is that they have remained as:

"Step 4 of 5 - Waiting for destination backup"

(you can see this in the "Move archive status").I have ran the backup task several times in several days but still the same status. The "Move archive" task has remains as "Processing" continiously instead of "Running" during the scheduled time.

Any help?

Thanks in advanced.

//Juan Antonio

  • Finally I did it! I could change the Move Archive Status of those 3 mailboxes being moved and go to the 5th step, finishing the process. What I did was to configure this parameter:

    "WaitForBackupMode" value="2"

    in  the " EVMoveArchiveTask.exe.config" file. 

    Then you have to restart the Enterprise Vault Storage Services.

    I was trying that before but without sucess. At last I got with the right sintaxis:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     <sectionGroup name="MoveArchive">
      <section name="common" type="System.Configuration.DictionarySectionHandler"/>
     <generatePublisherEvidence enabled="false"/>
      <add key="WaitForBackupMode" value="2" />


    And it worked.



9 Replies

  • Hi JA,

    Did you set/clear backup mode in the destination Enterprise Vault server Vault Stores to trigger the StorageFileWatch process?

  • Check the watchfile table in SQL if backup is completing successfully, also Check the event logs on the EV server if there are any relevant logs 


     or if the problem is with only 3 archive you can run the  PST export\import

  • The Vault Store is not in backup mode.

    The watchfile table in SQL is OK (count=0).

    What can I get if I run a PST export/import? What I want is to stop completely the move process for this 3 mailboxes and remove the entries in the Move Archive Status. The Move Archive is always in the "Processing" state because is waiting to complete the 5 steps (they are hung in the 4 step).

    And I need to delete the old archive, but when I try I get this:

    "The archive cannot be deleted because it is being moved by COLMENAR\evadmin"

    Thanks and regars.

  • If you want to remove the 'Move Archive' status from the archive, you can follow this technote:

    The archive cannot be deleted because it is being moved

    Once you remove the status, you can go ahead and perform a PST Export/Import to a new archive in the previous Vault Store.

    NOTE: Make sure you follow the steps until Step #2:

    2. Select the archive and then click on Delete (X) button to delete the archive from the move archive status.

    Step 3, 4 and 5 are to delete the archive from the Enterprise Vault server.

    I hope this helps.

  • GaveV,

    The Delete (X) button of the Archive Move Status is not available for me, so I cannot delete them using this way. The article says that in tah case I must contact Symantec Technical Support to know the alternate method.

    Does anyone know wich one is this "alternate method"?


  • JuanAntonio,

    The alternate method would be remove the move archive task directly from the Enterprise Vault databases. Since this method involves direct data manipulation, I strongly recommend you to open a ticket with support to assist you with this issue.

  • Finally I did it! I could change the Move Archive Status of those 3 mailboxes being moved and go to the 5th step, finishing the process. What I did was to configure this parameter:

    "WaitForBackupMode" value="2"

    in  the " EVMoveArchiveTask.exe.config" file. 

    Then you have to restart the Enterprise Vault Storage Services.

    I was trying that before but without sucess. At last I got with the right sintaxis:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     <sectionGroup name="MoveArchive">
      <section name="common" type="System.Configuration.DictionarySectionHandler"/>
     <generatePublisherEvidence enabled="false"/>
      <add key="WaitForBackupMode" value="2" />


    And it worked.

