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Vlad2010's avatar
Level 4
14 years ago

Outllok event id 29 in EV 9.0



Could you please let me know what event id 29 means

The Store D:\EV Cache\VCBuilds\1BADA40BB94E8FA40B5CC55B9DE7953EC1p10000Vault.tmp is being re-pushed to the indexer for the following reason: Newly Created store.

When those events appear, Indexes grow fast and filling drive.


Thank you

  • Vault Cache builds the DB files (Content Cache) on the Enterprise Vault Server itself.
    The DB files are actually PST files (for instance if you were to go to your Vault Cache location on your machine and rename the DB to PST, you could open that up within outlook)

    In Enterprise Vault 2007 and earlier, with Offline Vault it would build the PST locally on the desktop and download each message individually and add them to the DB files, however since Enterprise Vault 8 and the introduction of Vault Cache, performance is improved by having the server build them locally and let the end users client download 1 larger DB/PST file.

    The dates that you may have seen relate to the time frame for the items that are contained with in the DB file, so for instance i have one that is named 2008_07_09_010.db, this doesn't indicate the date it was created, instead it indicates the earliest sent/received date of any item in that pst.

    My next DB file is 2008_10_12_009.db....
    So I can assume that 2008_07_08_010.db has items stretching from 8th July 2008 through to 11th October 2008

    Any time a PST file is built programatically, the indexer will pick it up and scan the items. you will also notice on the end users machines they will also see the same message when the DB is attached.

    For instance this was logged on my machine earlier.

    The store C:\Documents and Settings\myUser\Local Settings\Application Data\KVS\Enterprise Vault\D8518715CBB79B438D66EBE9CC1BF21C\2010_10_10_0012.db is being re-pushed to the indexer for the following reason: Newly created store.

13 Replies

  • This might help..



    You can prevent Outlook / WDS / Instant Search from touching PSTs...  It's an issue I worked on a while ago, and it's not a very nice one !

  • Hello Rob,

    Following the link to your technote, it is generic.

    I am running EV80SP4 on a Windows 2008 R2 server.

    The key where the entries are created (\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Catalog) exists and did have numerous entries.

    However, the key to prevent the entries for being created is not existing:

    HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search\Preferences\PreventIndexingOutlook

    Under HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows, there is no Windows Search

    Under HKLM\Software\Microsoft\, there is a Windows Search, having \Capabilities and ProtocolHandlers as subfolders

    (same under HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows)


    Do I need to create the key manually?

    (i.e. adding \Windows Search\Preferences\PreventIndexingOutlook underneath HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows)

    I tried researching MS-site, but could not find related information.



  • I believe you have to create them, but I don't have a Windows 2008 system to check it out on.

    They're documented on Microsoft's website - they're undocumented keys.


    I can try to have a look in the morning, but I'd advise you to test on a lab environment.  If you've got the key correct, when you open a number of PSTs in Outlook, on the Enterprise Vault server, then you won't get new entries added under the registry key I mentioned first.