Forum Discussion

O_Schmidt's avatar
Level 5
3 years ago

Outlook Version from Office 365 subscription

is it possible to install a outlook version from the office 365 subscription on the ev servers?
I think, the outlook versions from o365 are slightly different to the normal outlook version from a normal office package. I canĀ“t find anything about that in the compatibility guide.


Greetz Oliver

  • Now, Veritas has added the needed information to the compatibility chart.


  • Now, Veritas has added the needed information to the compatibility chart.


  • Hello Oliver,

    You only need an Outlook client if you are archiving from Exchange server. For SMTP archiving you don't need OL.

    • O_Schmidt's avatar
      Level 5

      Hi Gertjan,

      thanks for your reply. I know that but we have still archiving from our on-prem exchange server (Mailbox and Journaling).
      The question is, can i use an outlook version from the o365 subscription on a ev server or is it different to a "normal" outlook version?

      • AndrewB's avatar

        I found this in the compatibility guide for you: Enterprise Vault 12.4 and later support Outlook 2016 Click-to-Run, 32-bit version.