Forum Discussion

huge_pickle's avatar
11 years ago

PST Collector task doesn't do anything

I have created a PST locator task and successfully ran it on a set of machines, where it found a PSTs and listed it in the "files" node in the Enterprise Vault management console.

I then created a PST collector task and set the schedule such that it would run throughout the day with no breaks. I then ran the PST collector task and it doesn't seem to do anything. I get output similar to what's below, the following will be in the log but nothing else ever appears and no PSTs are collected. I tried restarting the task several times and it create a new log file but with the same information below.

Could you please help me understand what I need to do to make it actually collect PST's?


PST Collector Task Report File: G:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault\Reports\PstColTask_server1_20140708180034.txt

   7/8/2014 6:00:34 PM PST Collector Task started

Configuration Settings

   7/8/2014 6:00:34 PM Number of retries after a networking error: 7
   7/8/2014 6:00:34 PM Delay time before a retry after a networking error: 1 Day
   7/8/2014 6:00:34 PM Location of the holding folder: \\server1\vault_pst_hold
   7/8/2014 6:00:34 PM Maximum amount of data allowed in the holding folder: 10GB
   7/8/2014 6:00:34 PM Maximum number of PSTs for this server to be held in the holding folder: 100
   7/8/2014 6:00:34 PM PSTs get backed up before being migrated: False
   7/8/2014 6:00:34 PM Archive attribute reset denotes a PST has been backed up: False

  • Hi there,

    You will have to go withing the EV console, under Personal Storage Management, Files and on the right-hand side select the PST you would like to migrate by selecting the correct option from the drop-down menu.

    Also, please refer to the PST Migration best practices whitepapers:

    Hope this helps.

  • Hi there,

    You will have to go withing the EV console, under Personal Storage Management, Files and on the right-hand side select the PST you would like to migrate by selecting the correct option from the drop-down menu.

    Also, please refer to the PST Migration best practices whitepapers:

    Hope this helps.