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Bruce_Cranksh1's avatar
13 years ago

Question on NTFS to Centera Migrator

Hi All

EV 9.0 sp 2

I have a customer that has many old closed VS partitions that they created over the years on NTFS but use a Centera for primary storage .

We are busy migrating the NTFS VS partitions  to Centera ,I did a test yestersday to understand speeds and selected a small 100 GB partition that according to the  Log File was successfully migrated ( see below ) . My understanding from this log file is that 896791  savesets were migrated ,the services did stop once at 22:00 . My question is now can I delete Journal Vault Store 3 Ptn1  as all the Savesets have been migrated to the Centera Partition which is Journal Vault Store 3 Ptn4


Obviously before deleting I want to make sure I am not missing something that will effect functionality or access to data.





2012-01-11 13:08:20  NTFS to Centera Migrator version 1.2 log file created for Job FTC_20120111105624

2012-01-11 13:08:20 

2012-01-11 13:08:20  Starting migration from Partition 'Journal Vault Store 3 Ptn1' to Partition 'Journal Vault Store 3 Ptn4' in Vault Store 'Journal Vault Store 3'

2012-01-11 13:08:24  Savesets in NTFS partition: 896791

2012-01-11 22:00:25  Migration stopped -- Storage Service stopping

2012-01-11 22:00:25  Savesets migrated: 840001, Rate: 94733 Savesets/hour

2012-01-11 22:00:25  Savesets in NTFS partition: 56790

2012-01-11 23:55:16 

2012-01-11 23:55:16  Starting migration from Partition 'Journal Vault Store 3 Ptn1' to Partition in Vault Store 'Journal Vault Store 3'

2012-01-11 23:55:17  Savesets in NTFS partition: 56790

2012-01-12 00:32:05  Migration stopped -- all Savesets in the source partition have been processed

2012-01-12 00:32:05  Savesets migrated: 56790, Rate: 92634 Savesets/hour

2012-01-12 00:32:05  Savesets in NTFS partition: 0

2012-01-12 00:32:05  Migration completed - job entry has been deleted 


  • Hi Bruce, as all data was reported as being migrated sucessfully you should now be able to delete the data.  Sometimes I have advised customer to rename the root partition folder and then wait for a week or two to be doubly sure no issues occcur and no referencing is done for the old location. Also ensure you have a backup before deleting. 

3 Replies

  • Hi Bruce, as all data was reported as being migrated sucessfully you should now be able to delete the data.  Sometimes I have advised customer to rename the root partition folder and then wait for a week or two to be doubly sure no issues occcur and no referencing is done for the old location. Also ensure you have a backup before deleting. 

  • Bruce - if there is a concern if there are any items still referenced in the NTFS VS, and you have a bit of SQL knowledge, you can also use the 'view_PartitionEntry' under the EnterpriseVaultDirectory DB and query the Saveset table for items associated with that IdPartition.  When migrating from NTFS to Centera, the existing entries will be updated to the new Centera Partition so no items should still be there with the NTFS partition id.  That is basically how the report determines how many items are in the ntfs partition.

    For an additional sanity check, assuming you have collections enabled for centera, I would check the staging area to make sure there are no backlogged items.