Forum Discussion

jaj's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

How do I setup setup external access to vaulted items from notes client

I searched for document to setup external access to vaulted items from notes client but unable find one. Does anyone have already set this up? Can anyone share any article which explains this
  • Paul_Honey's avatar
    12 years ago
    Jaj The challenge you have in this scenario, I suspect, is that the user accesses a mail file replica on this externally available Domino server and when they initiate a retrieval request, it attempts to access the EVDG server (using the Archive Server parameter stored on the hidden ev_paramaters profile doc), and that server address is not resolvable / accessible from the external location To be honest this configuration for external access is not a common one, or at least not one that we have encountered or I have personally heard of one of our customers using before and as such, there is no official document / article detailing how to allow access to archived items in this scenario I think you really need to open a support case to deal with this request more formally, but in short, your options / requirements probably are to 1. Make the address of the EVDG server(s) available both internally and publically so that when a retrieval request is initiated, it can be resolved to the EVDG server from either location 2. Make the EVDG servers accessible over the NRPC port (1352) internally and externally, either by placing them in the DMZ alongside the cluster mail servers and/or by opening a tunnel through the firewall(s) to their internal location From EV9 Sp1 onwards, the retrieval architecture is to retrieve the item to the mail file replica from which the request is initiated and display the item from that mail fiel replica. But the EV customizations within the mail template need to intitiate this retrieval request via a call to the EVDG server which is then intercepted by our extension manager on that EVDG server to process the retrieval to the intiiating mail file replica - hence why netweok address resolution and 1352 communication channels between client, EVDG and mail server are essential for retrieval to work I hope that helps, if you get a support case open for further assistance, let me know the case number and I will keep an eye on its progress Regards Paul